Contract of agreement

Commitment Agreement
Student Learning Contract
This agreement sets out arrangements for participation on all courses run by the Academy Of Modern Tantra (trading as AOMT or Academy Of Modern Tantra)
AOMT’S Commitment
The Academy Of Modern Tantra will provide training on the dates and times specified in the Course. The information provided on the website is a rough guide and the content will be taught to you compiled of hands -on practical training and theory, supplemented by the 220 page manual, for home study containing the philosophy, theory and a description of all levels.
The curriculum may sometimes be taught in a different order according to the needs of the individual students and tutor thus is flexible.
AOMT will award the student with a Worldwide Accreditation from the International Practitioners of Holistic Medicine if the course is deemed completed to a satisfactory level by the course trainer Jennifer Surch.
Equal Opportunities
AOMT operates an Equality and Diversity Policy, all students have the right to be treated fairly and reasonably throughout the course, whatever their gender, sexual orientation, personal or religious beliefs, race and ethnicity or age.
Personal Support
This course takes a holistic perspective, including physical, emotional, and spiritual aspects of Tantric & Taoist body -therapy. Thus, during the course students may need to consider their emotional issues and responses, physical symptoms and spiritual journey. However, the course is not a substitute for personal therapy, whether through counselling or psychotherapy, physical treatment, or spiritual guidance. If necessary, students will seek such support outside the course environment.
The AOMT is not responsible in anyway whatsoever, for your experience, emotional triggers, reactions, any illnesses, or ailments that are obtained during this training.
You as an individual/student take sole responsibility for your participation in the AOMT training courses.
You acknowledge that you must be of physically fit enough to perform dynamic yogic postures, including cobra, pelvic body Sways, ecstatic dance movements & dynamic rhythmic movements.
AOMT is not responsible in any way for injuries obtained during or related to the training courses provided.
The AOMT Is not responsible for any loss or damage, illnesses, aliments, emotional stress, incidents or claims that occur between its students and their clients.
Photographs/videos may be taken off you and with your certificate and shared with you for advertising purposes, for your own advertising and the academy to advertising.
All complaints must be handled in confidentiality .
Confidentiality/ Defamation
Posting private information on a public domain, false accusations, slander or trolling will not be tolerated, all measures will be taken to located said individual and said person or persons will be prosecuted.
Covid Policy
We want to be as flexible as we can and will always keep the safety of our tutors and students as an utmost priority. To ensure everyone's well-being and safety while doing the course, please take a Lateral Flow or PCR test taken within 48 hours of starting the course. In the event that you contract COVID-19 and are unable to make the course, we will offer you a place on our next available course free of any extra charge. We understand the continually changing and dynamic situation of the pandemic and continue to monitor the COVID-19 situation closely. In the event of a government lockdown, we will be in touch with you as soon as possible and discuss options.
Student agreement
Standards of Professional Conduct
The following conduct is seen as essential by ACOMT, to reassure all students and the general public of the standards being worked too.
Although these issues are rarely a matter of dispute, inappropriate conduct can and will prevent a student from graduating, or even mean s/he is asked to leave the course with no financial recourse.
1. Being sensitive to others’ needs; having the consistent ability to establish, maintain and develop rapport. In particular, respecting boundaries around appropriate touch, showing discretion around undressing and draping.
2. At the same time, taking care of oneself e.g. undertaking bodywork when confident that one has the stamina and ability to focus.
3. Taking necessary steps, if needed, to resolve issues with other course members. Seeking support including mediation, as required, from the training team. Each student must treat their fellow students with courteous respect at all times, threatening behaviour, abuse, swearing will be deemed as gross misconduct.
4. Demonstrating appropriate confidence in oneself, one’s skills and massage in general, to clients and others eg not putting oneself down or demonstrating to clients or colleagues that one expects failure.
5. Social reliability: being on time; keeping promises; honouring confidentiality; respecting professional and ethical requirements; maintaining boundaries.
6. Maintaining a professional appearance; personal hygiene, tidiness and appropriate clothing.
7. Duty of care, if any student believes that there is a child, minor or any person or persons placed in physical or mortal danger it is their duty of care to report this to the appropriate authorities.
8. If at any time the student wishes to stop the training, it is their responsibility to engage in communication that enables their fellow student or the teacher trainer to be alerted.