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You are not alone in being uncomfortable discussing sexuality; over four billion people
worldwide feel the same way. Many of us have been subjected to severe negative societal
conditioning that this type of interaction is wrong, unsanitary, and even harmful.
Now is the time to break that cycle of negativity and shame and embrace all elements of your
being, as an adult. Tantra allows you to enter the pathway of reclaiming your birthright and
connect with your orgasmic energy. This is a phenomenon that is quite new to many people
how you can experience great waves of energy flowing through your body in great orgasmic
waves. How can you access this amazing ability ?
To learn how to access your energy you need to start by learning presence, to tap into and
listen to your body, open your heart, and being totally conscious of each millisecond and
sensation. This will allow you to unleash your true potential
Many contemporary Westerners, in search of deeper connections and enlightenment, are
turning to the ancient practices of Tantra and learning about energy.
Tantra is a way to get in touch with your sexuality and your inner self. The practices of tantra
may help you become a better lover in many ways. This includes enhancing your performance,
being able to last longer in bed and satisfy your lover, guiding her into the realms of euphoric
Different Techniques of Tantra
You will also learn about Taoist techniques and circulating your energy around the "micro cosmic
orbit", a tantric technique that allows you to achieve orgasm without releasing the seed of life
and allowing you to feel energized afterwards.
Tantra reveals the techniques and rituals of tantric love making that will provide your partner
with complete satisfaction on all levels, not just the physical, but emotionally, spiritually and
from the deepest corners of your heart.
A true connection requires much more, a true connection comes from the heart and is a
sensory journey that includes touch, breath, awareness and presence.
Tantric intimacy will help you and your partner experience that deeper and more profound
Most men spend their whole lives searching for the Holy Grail of satisfaction but never find it.
This long-sought idea may be accessed via the practice of tantra, and no, it is not some kind of
well-held secret by a fundamentalist tantra instructor. The only thing stopping any guy from
scaling several mountains is his lack of knowledge and using the guidance and knowledge to
Men are more open to the experience off extended orgasmic states by letting go of the certain
preconceived ideas that have been handed down through the ages in western society. Learning
these ancient tantric practises, the male is able to hold on to his fluids and experience the
prolonged orgasmic state and waves and sensations throughout his whole body. This means he
does not experience what the Taoists call ‘the little death’ he is in fact reenergised. He is then
able to turn this powerful orgasmic energy into creative force and creative energy, that he is
then able to channel for example in his job, hobbies or relationships.
A Step Towards Spirituality
Any student of tantra may do this by training his mind using the methods of tantric meditation.
It does not take long at all to accomplish this goal under the tutelage of a genuine Tantra master.
To comprehend the indescribable bliss of a tantric energy, one must first understand the
spiritual meaning. People who haven't practiced spiritual arts tend to have a chaotic and
unorganized state of mind. They can't bring themselves to live in the present. All the while, they
are either brooding over the past or fretfully planning for the future.
Any mental state that includes tension for instance, if you're watching with a partner and your
thoughts keep going back to your past mistakes, you will never manage to be present.
Look at the ancient sages, who were completely focused on their work without any deadlines,
schedules, or goals in sight. Their devotion sprang from a deep need to give their gods the best
of themselves and their affection. It was impossible to feel inadequate. Lack of worry about
making a mistake. The intended outcome wasn't even wanted. Only worship, in the present
moment, mattered.
Those versed in the tantric arts have a greater capacity to fully inhabit the present moment
with their partners. When we remove the constraints of time, the present moment transcends
it. So, the pleasure of being I just simply being would allow the energy to flow between you
both freely building in great waves
When he, too, overcomes this barrier and comes into his masculine power, he will be her equal
and the wonderful partner she has always dreamed of.
This ancient science of love and life can be learned from trained and gifted therapists. If you
want to experience the timelessly joyful practice of Tantra. The greatest venue to learn Tantra
from certified instructors who have practiced and live this life path, continuing to share this
lineage of is at AOMT. Let's explore the mysteries of Orgasmic Energy Massage together.
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