Carol Tommaso
AOMT Retreat Brazil
Worldwide Accredited AOMT
Tantra Practitioner | Moon Mother | Sex Coach | Aromatherapist | Astrologer | Reiki Master

Carol Tommáso, Retreat facilitator Bahia Brazil
❤️🔥Hi I'm Carol Tommáso, I'm a Tantric Therapist, Holistic Therapist, Sex Coach & Retreat facilitator with the AOMT.
❤️🔥I am a Moon Mother, graduated from Miranda Gray, Sex Coach, Yoni Egg Mother, crystal egg shaman, flower Therapist, Aromatherapist, Reiki master, Astrologer and Aura-Soma Therapist.
❤️🔥I bring you in a simple, deep and unique way, teachings from 10 years of walking in the art of being the best version of yourself and living a full life with the strength and courage to be authentic, living your purpose and being your best version.
❤️🔥I lead Worldwide Womb Meditations & Global Full Moon Meditations
| Where women of the planet come together to celebrate the Love of the Goddess. Through powerful meditations, women are able to access their power, letting their authentic Femininity flow, through the balance of feminine Archetypes and the special connection with their Yoni. ( vagina ) and your uterus.
Great for anyone looking to get pregnant, treat gynecological issues, anchor energy work and much more!
❤️🔥 Womb Healing | Feminine Sexual Energy healing therapy, through the balance of Archetypes in the center of the Uterus; Heart and Brain. Every woman can do it! Menstrual cycle balance,Fertility, Empowerment. Health and wellness.
🔥 Retreat Carol Tommáso & AOMT Brazil Bahai 20th - 27th September 2023 more details to follow.

Milton Keynes, England, Uk
main +44203773 8374
Whattsapp +4407494129575